Show Pics from Björn Mager

It was a calm December night, when from cobble stone street in Kreuzberg there gasped a stout shadow of a sound…

Photos by: Björn Mager Lido Berlin December 5th 2014

REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co. Final show for 2014 “Anti-Solipsism and that Old-Time Religion”

Win tickets to “Anti-Solipsism and that Old-Time Religion” REVEREND SHINE
SNAKE OIL Co. Final show for 2014 by showing up with the code word and
whispering it to that friendly guy behind the counter… Ah where do you
get the code word? Check the event page and our website: “” and Stay tuned… and check back often!

Who or what is Reverend Shine Snake Oil Co.?












The following is a google translation of an article from Music News online music magazine that explores the trends of Austrian and international music scene. Written by: Carina Marie Stiegler See Original article Here.


Who or what is Reverend Shine Snake Oil Co.?

The answer: An energetic Copenhagen quartet with roots in New York, which is somewhere between blues and punk.

Reverend Shine Snake Oil Co. is hardly possible to describe adequately with a few loosely thrown records. Its origins are also shrouded in a dense network of assumptions as the band’s name, the one does not want to open up so easily located. So much is certain: After a long history Claudius Pratt and Justin Moses Gunn pulled together from New York to Copenhagen, where they met Matthias Klein on drums and Martin Olliviierre on upright bass.
Who is the Reverend here?


Influences of the “Big Apple”

What was then sets itself according to information from “punk rock, African Drum Rhythms, early American blues and everything in between together “. Characteristic of the sound are also the New York roots, their influences are clearly audible. Here the musical work of the four musicians is so versatile that a description can ever bring something to sweat. Bonds of gospel , spirituals and soul are equally audible as rockabilly , jazz , folk and indie rock.


Recordings in prison

After three EPs already released end of 2013 it was decided to include the new plant in Gothenburg / Sweden. The choice fell on the Härlanda prison, his last prisoners released in 1997. This experience brought the band members partially true to their limits, but also ensured that the existing 5 songs from “anti-Solipsism pt.1 Creatures” could be taken in one day. This first part already appeared this year as a limited edition vinyl. Together with the second part called “anti-Solipsism pt.2 – Totems & Familiars”, to appear in spring 2015, this will also be available as a regular album.


Of solipsism and Creatures

The five songs of “anti-Solipsism pt.1 Creatures” alone but extend even from half an hour. It is clear: When Reverend Shine Snake Oil Co. is celebrated every second and savored each song, starting with the frenzied “The Candidate”. The driving energy of rhythm and vocals reminiscent of Tom Waits provide a brilliant opening. Little quieter but no less engaging it goes with “The Truth” continues the same times as hugs with the polyphonic singing in the ears, that it no longer wants to disappear so soon from there.
Following this, there is a nice blues-heavy-“Mrs. Brown “, with the Quartett can but the energy level rise as well as continuously during the subsequent” Hey Now “that spreads a special coolness. Is Complete “anti-Solipsism pt.1 Creatures” then of “Home”, which comes atmospherically dense and forms not only by the, again playing an important role, dynamics a worthy conclusion.


A Musical Exhibition

Thus, in the four luggage toured this year already by Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, and also placed a stopover in Norway. On stage can play to their strengths particularly Reverend Shine Snake Oil Co.. They celebrate a musical show, which starts polite and elegant, but then more and more intense, sweaty and unrestrained device. When the next tour you should not miss the more energetic foursome so. To shorten the waiting time until then there are some “anti-Solipsism pt.1 Creatures” on vinyl and the mystery about what the quartet will tell his fans exactly with the following sentence on their website:


“Social music for people of moderate intelligence and fair health.”

Protest for the closing of Volkstheater in Rostock Germany

Here is the news as reported by the German Media…


They start small… They take away your ability to imagine… yes that is what art is, your ability to imagine… Imagine a better world, imagine a cure for what was believed to be incurable, imagine a life less ordinary… Do not let our governments take away our right to imagine… Fight for your right to keep Art programs alive fight for music in our schools fight for a world filled with imagination and wonder… with peace, love and understanding… Fight for your right to be heard… Fight for your rights to live free… Never stop fighting!

Truth’s abstraction & perception…

We are caught in, life’s deception, truth's abstraction & perception, moral convenience & aggression. Fragile, life is a reflection.

We are caught in, life’s deception,
truth’s abstraction & perception,
moral convenience & aggression.
Fragile, life is a reflection.

Image by Brother Grimm

We are caught in, life’s deception, truth’s abstraction & perception, moral convenience & aggression. Fragile, life is a reflection. It’s no secrete, why we do, what we do, when we do…. Lies are simpler than the truth. We are caught in, life’s deception, truth’s abstraction & perception, moral convenience & aggression. Fragile, life is a reflection. It’s no secrete, why we do, what we do, when we do…. Lies are simpler than the truth. We are caught in, life’s deception, truth’s abstraction & perception, Sunspot fade like thoughts in the deep, what do you keep there? Ghost trails like chalk on concert, memories bittersweet yea I would never treat you like that…. I would never treat you like that… You mimic life so shallow in thought no one can drink there. You lead your friends and family to empty place, nothing can live there. In your barren heart, nothing can live there…. You watch as we try to draw water from buckets made of papiermâché. We all drink the glue that they make anyway…. I would never treat you like that…. I would never treat you like that…

Three Days On the Road…

It is a beautiful sunshiny day hear on the road to Stuttgart! It’s been a bit of Ill communication.. No net access, but gotta let all of y’all “Gandy Dancers” know… y’all who came out to see our last three shows, how much we appreciate your presence… Each show has been packed and we are meeting loads of new people. We were in Karlsruhe @ Alte Hackerei last night, for the first time in that town and it was a blow out! Thank you to Plüschi and Patti… Our first night in Dresden at Ostpol was completely packed on a Tuesday night! And Bahnhof Langendreer in Bochum was a smash! Supper sound and very professional crew… Thank you.

#antisolipsismtour #reverendshinesnakeoilco #soapboxmusic #talesfromdaroad #snakeoilco #hairgreaseshoeshineblogspot #soapboxkindred



Dem Boys will be boys… Tales from he road

DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7896 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7881 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7877 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7876 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7872 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7870 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7851 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7903 DE Bochum_Bahnhof Langendreer_2014IMG_7901

Anti-Solipsism Fall Tour 2015



It’s the last tour of the year for the SNAKE OIL Co. be sure to catch dem boys!

21.10.2014 – DE Dresden, Ostpol

22.10.2014 – DE Bochum, Bahnhof Langendreer

23.10.2014 – DE Karlsruhe, Alte Hackerei

24.10.2014 – DE Stuttgart, Goldmarks

25.10.2015 – DE Würzburg, Immerhin

27.10.2014 – AT Innsbruck, Weekender

28.10.2014 – AT Graz, Explosiv

29.10.2014 – AT Wien, fluc

30.10.2014 – AT Kufstein, Kulturfabrik

31.10.2014 – DE Frankfurt/M., Orange Peel

01.11.2014 – DE Coppenbrügge, Woodstore

02.11.2014 – NL Helmond, Blues Route Helmond

05.11.2014 – DE Rostock, Peter-Weiß-Haus + The Hoodoo Two

07.11.2014 – DE Hannover, Café Glocksee

08.11.2014 – DE Lübeck, Treibsand

05.12.2014 – DE Berlin, Lido

Plus one Exclusive show in Berlin for 2014… Exclusive Event with REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co. and COOGANS BLUFF tickets on sale now at KOKA36 Brought to you by NOISOLUTION RECORDS.

 “The Candidate”

The new video and first single from “Anti-Solipsism pt.1 Creatures”

“The Candidate” is about the circus-like spectacle of political posturing and the absurd, if not dangerous, nature of power-hungry individuals. History repeats itself as characters engage their quest for domination over man and nature, at once sinister and comical. Everyday people clap joyously as they “vote” for their candidate of choice, an illusory exercise mired by corruption as ink seeps into layers of time. In keeping with Rev. Shine’s style, we looked to the past for relevant commentary on present-day events. –Sarah Price

Director: Sarah Price / Editor: Sean U’ren

“Anti-Solipsism pt. I Creatures” limited Edition Vinyl

Order your copy of the limited edition vinyl now from our site.

Anti Solipsism prt.1 order the vinyl from!

Social music for people of moderate intelligence and fair health!

Visit our websites at SOAPBOX MUSIC LABEL or

 “Anti Solipsism pt. 1 Creatures”The New Album OUT NOW!



“Anti Solipsism pt. II Totems & Familiars” comes to life…

Producers Gamiel  “ANGERYMAN” Stone aka Claudius Pratt  and Roger “Mangfaldig Kar” Langvik aka Grand Prêtre Flaneur were back in the studio to finish production on the “Anti-Solipsism” series they recorded with REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co. and Kristian Karl of REDBULL STUDIOS Copenhagen was on hand to get their story. 

Read the interview here:




“Anti Solipsism pt. II Totems & Familiars” is the second half of the Anti Solipsism collection and with it the full picture of “The Creature” comes to life. The project started in September 2012 and was recorded live in one day in the old Härlanda prison in Gothenburg, Sweden.  The perfect place to explore feelings of isolation and extreme egotism. You can listen to “Anti Solipsism pt. 1 Creatures” here: ‎and you can buy it on iTunes or directly from the band here:

I’m from New York and I’m heading to Harlem…

To all our new friends we made this year traveling through the Netherlands… We are coming back! If Willem Alexander can tour the U.S.  (Iowa in fact)  then REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co. shall rule in his stead…. #newkingofnetherlands #snakeoilco