
Three Days On the Road…

It is a beautiful sunshiny day hear on the road to Stuttgart! It’s been a bit of Ill communication.. No net access, but gotta let all of y’all “Gandy Dancers” know… y’all who came out to see our last three shows, how much we appreciate your presence… Each show has been packed and we are meeting loads of new people. We were in Karlsruhe @ Alte Hackerei last night, for the first time in that town and it was a blow out! Thank you to Plüschi and Patti… Our first night in Dresden at Ostpol was completely packed on a Tuesday night! And Bahnhof Langendreer in Bochum was a smash! Supper sound and very professional crew… Thank you.

#antisolipsismtour #reverendshinesnakeoilco #soapboxmusic #talesfromdaroad #snakeoilco #hairgreaseshoeshineblogspot #soapboxkindred



DR P6Beat Podcast…

Just in case you missed the live broadcast, you can check out the podcast right here:


Photo by: Ari Mikael Zelenko see more here

Thank you to Jan Sneum and DR P6 Beat