Notes to Fans

The Streets and beyond…..

The Original Snake Oil Co.

Due to inclement whether REVEREND SHINE will not be playing the streets today but look for us tomorrow July 9th @ Kultorvet with the Jazz Festival Swing Dancers from 2:00pm – 5:00pm then at night Mojo Blues Bar​ at 7:00pm… It’s gonna be a hell of a Day!

8 more songs from REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co.

Möbius 8 songs that will complete the Anti Solipsism Manifesto… Eight pints make a gallon. Eight is the third number that stays the same when written upside down. There are eight legs on a spider, barring accidents. Scorpions also have eight legs. An eight is a racing boat with eight oars. Its crew is also called an eight. There are eight people in a tug-of-war team. Some large car engines have eight cylinders. According to Indian mythology, the Earth is supported on the backs of eight white elephants. Before the rise of Christianity, there were eight days in the Greek and Roman weeks.

“Anti Solipsism pt. II Totems & Familiars” comes to life…

Producers Gamiel  “ANGERYMAN” Stone aka Claudius Pratt  and Roger “Mangfaldig Kar” Langvik aka Grand Prêtre Flaneur were back in the studio to finish production on the “Anti-Solipsism” series they recorded with REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co. and Kristian Karl of REDBULL STUDIOS Copenhagen was on hand to get their story. 

Read the interview here:




“Anti Solipsism pt. II Totems & Familiars” is the second half of the Anti Solipsism collection and with it the full picture of “The Creature” comes to life. The project started in September 2012 and was recorded live in one day in the old Härlanda prison in Gothenburg, Sweden.  The perfect place to explore feelings of isolation and extreme egotism. You can listen to “Anti Solipsism pt. 1 Creatures” here: ‎and you can buy it on iTunes or directly from the band here:


“Anti-Solipsism pt. I Creatures” limited Edition Vinyl



Order your copy of the limited edition vinyl now from our site.
Only 100 copies remaining!

Anti Solipsism pt.1 order the vinyl from!

No more shows….

DSC_4715Photo by: Johan Rönnow



Hey there, ho there… Thank you to all the lovely people we have met in the last week here in Copenhagen. We just wanted to let all of you know that we have had such a great time playing in all the venues and all the impromptu street shows.

We will not be performing any more street shows for the remainder of the festival.

Well enjoy all the great music and hope to see you out there on the road!

The Premier of “The Candidate”

On July 4th 2014 witness the Premier of “The Candidate” the new video from REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co. Directed by: Sarah Price…


“The Candidate” the first single from the Album premiers July 4th 2014 at Copenhagen Jazz Festival!

“The Candidate” the first single from the Album premiers July 4th 2014 at Copenhagen Jazz Festival!

06.14.2014 – Kids ‘n’ Billies Festival_ Nijmegen, NL

Radio Coach get’s a taste o’ da Gospel!

Somewhere in Germany somebody likes what were doing… So much so they recommend us to their readers… Check out Radio Coach they were kind enough to talk about us and our show at the  Orange Blossom Special Leave a comment give us praise, tell them about your better days… Hey Lou if your out there you might need this too… Apparently Lou came to our show in Utrecht (WOODLUM Festival) and foud what she had been searching for alought she did not know she was looking… Maybe you to can find a little something that your looking for!

Broken English Translation:

After a short audio sample of recent MetaModern Sounds in Country Music , the estimated listeners of Radio couch this time are on the Orange Blossom Special Festivalkidnapped, held every year at Whitsun in the contemplative Beverungen at the Weser.

The loud journal Rolling Stone “best small open-air festival in the world” offers a wide, hand-picked selection of music between supersanftem folk and rock-hard rock – we present that, among other things, the magical-musical medicine men of Reverend Shine Snake Oil Co. of Denmark, the successful Swedish-German Venture Golden Kanine , the wonderful Neil Young Disciples of Dangers Of The Sea , the ravishing Folker Mister and Mississippi from the Netherlands, the U.S. Foothill Stomper Richard Johnston , the subtle harmonies of the Anglo-American couple Rue Royale and the grand Keston Cobblers’ Club of Great Britain. They all did their best in the heat of Pentecost Beverungen – and were even enthusiastic. To listen at on Wednesday, 18/06/2014, 22 clock, and on Saturday, 06/21/2014, at 7 clock on FM 88.4 and 90.7 for Berlin and Potsdam. Enjoy!



Solipsism (i/ˈsɒlɨpsɪzəm/; from Latin solus, meaning “alone”, and ipse, meaning “self”)[1] is the philosophical idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. extreme egocentrism!

What is Anti-Solipsism?

When I was in college and studying religion at one stage I began to delve into Hinduism. My professor at the time had this to say about “Western thought”…I am paraphrasing here so bare with me: “To be or not to be… What a stupid question… We are or we are not, now get on with it!”

He prefaced that by saying “Western philosophy asks the wrong question”. It shows it’s own immaturity by denying the basic truth of our existence… Some have even gone on so far as to say this was a convenient way of explaining away the atrocities we as a society are able to commit… But that is a very long conversation.

Anti-Solipsism is my attempt at putting others needs ahead of my own. I grew up in the “me” generation and I know my own selfish ego. It seems to me all that is wrong with the world comes from our extreme selfishness. It is as if we fear being left out, as if there will be nothing left if we do not attempt to take it all, first. How can we hope to build a future if we lay claim to all of existence in perpetuity? Thereby defining that which is meant to be immeasurable.

All this leads me to a great experience I encountered on the road with our band. Our second night in a hotel was spent in Augsburg at the GRANDHOTEL COSMOPOLIS. We had stayed there a year ago when it was under construction. At the time I was under the impression that it was an artist collective. That was just the tip of the iceberg. Upon our return I found this hotel still a bit of a work in progress but the scope of their vision had broadened to such an extent that I can only do it justice by letting them explain it in their own words…

Here are some quotes from their project description:

The GRANDHOTEL COSMOPOLIS is no ordinary hotel and it does not try to be. It is a place that combines refugee accommodations, artist’s studios and open work spaces as well as a hotel offering culinary and cultural attractions.”



“Everything centers on the human being and our ability to shape and transform the world.”

For more from the Artists and organizers themselves visit their website:

This place is just the type of inspiration I needed, Artist coming together with the local government and the broader community to create a space where all can share and work together. Donations by local business and the labor of volunteers has created a very special place that all in that community can be proud of.


Thank you for the memories and the affirmation of our convictions…

The GRANDHOTEL COSMOPOLIS is the physical embodiment of “Anti-Solipsism” because it is a selfless effort born of the want to share the resources and natural gifts to which we all should have the right.












Anti-Solipsism Tour Spring 2014 (Tales from the road)…

Day 2 Sojorn…. Getting into game shape…. The road to self 28.05.2014