Truth’s abstraction & perception…
Image by Brother Grimm
We are caught in, life’s deception, truth’s abstraction & perception, moral convenience & aggression. Fragile, life is a reflection. It’s no secrete, why we do, what we do, when we do…. Lies are simpler than the truth. We are caught in, life’s deception, truth’s abstraction & perception, moral convenience & aggression. Fragile, life is a reflection. It’s no secrete, why we do, what we do, when we do…. Lies are simpler than the truth. We are caught in, life’s deception, truth’s abstraction & perception, Sunspot fade like thoughts in the deep, what do you keep there? Ghost trails like chalk on concert, memories bittersweet yea I would never treat you like that…. I would never treat you like that… You mimic life so shallow in thought no one can drink there. You lead your friends and family to empty place, nothing can live there. In your barren heart, nothing can live there…. You watch as we try to draw water from buckets made of papiermâché. We all drink the glue that they make anyway…. I would never treat you like that…. I would never treat you like that…