Anti Solipsism pt. 1 Creatures


Solipsism (i/ˈsɒlɨpsɪzəm/; from Latin solus, meaning “alone”, and ipse, meaning “self”)[1] is the philosophical idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. extreme egocentrism!

What is Anti-Solipsism?

When I was in college and studying religion at one stage I began to delve into Hinduism. My professor at the time had this to say about “Western thought”…I am paraphrasing here so bare with me: “To be or not to be… What a stupid question… We are or we are not, now get on with it!”

He prefaced that by saying “Western philosophy asks the wrong question”. It shows it’s own immaturity by denying the basic truth of our existence… Some have even gone on so far as to say this was a convenient way of explaining away the atrocities we as a society are able to commit… But that is a very long conversation.

Anti-Solipsism is my attempt at putting others needs ahead of my own. I grew up in the “me” generation and I know my own selfish ego. It seems to me all that is wrong with the world comes from our extreme selfishness. It is as if we fear being left out, as if there will be nothing left if we do not attempt to take it all, first. How can we hope to build a future if we lay claim to all of existence in perpetuity? Thereby defining that which is meant to be immeasurable.

All this leads me to a great experience I encountered on the road with our band. Our second night in a hotel was spent in Augsburg at the GRANDHOTEL COSMOPOLIS. We had stayed there a year ago when it was under construction. At the time I was under the impression that it was an artist collective. That was just the tip of the iceberg. Upon our return I found this hotel still a bit of a work in progress but the scope of their vision had broadened to such an extent that I can only do it justice by letting them explain it in their own words…

Here are some quotes from their project description:

The GRANDHOTEL COSMOPOLIS is no ordinary hotel and it does not try to be. It is a place that combines refugee accommodations, artist’s studios and open work spaces as well as a hotel offering culinary and cultural attractions.”



“Everything centers on the human being and our ability to shape and transform the world.”

For more from the Artists and organizers themselves visit their website:

This place is just the type of inspiration I needed, Artist coming together with the local government and the broader community to create a space where all can share and work together. Donations by local business and the labor of volunteers has created a very special place that all in that community can be proud of.


Thank you for the memories and the affirmation of our convictions…

The GRANDHOTEL COSMOPOLIS is the physical embodiment of “Anti-Solipsism” because it is a selfless effort born of the want to share the resources and natural gifts to which we all should have the right.












Anti-Solipsism Tour Spring 2014 (Tales from the road)…

Day 2 Sojorn…. Getting into game shape…. The road to self 28.05.2014

Anti-Solipsism Tour Spring 2014 (Tales from the road)…

Day 2 Black forest mystic mountain hop… In the town of Freiburg 27 – 28.05.2014 – Freiburg, DE

Anti-Solipsism Tour Spring 2014 (Tales from the road)…

A story in image…

Here you will find a detailed outline of our Anti-Solipsism tour day by day photos taken by us of our life on the road. It’s about the people we meet and the wonderful things we see… We will be updating it as regularly as we can (except when where in the mountains like now, not much for internet service up here!)

So check back often… Thank you all for the good times!

Day 1 overnight train to 26.05.2014 – Freiburg, DE



Day 2 Black forest mystic mountain hop… In the town of Freiburg 27 – 28.05.2014 – Freiburg, DE


Day 2 Sojorn…. Getting into game shape…. The road to self 28.05.2014

Album premier in the Netherlands…

The 3voor12 album premiere is online!



The Truth…

Come and get it…

24 hrs till the New Release…

Thank you for your patronage…

In 24 hours the digital release of “Anti-Solipsism pt. 1 Creatures” will be available in most countries. For some of our biggest fans in Germany you will have to wait a bit longer.

We have had such a wonderful time working on this record and I personally would like to think of it as a gift to those who would take the time to listen. I am a privileged man indeed to have this life and I pray that all of you feel the same. Through our highs and lows, positivity ebbs and flows but one thing that I knows is still water is where disease grows… So shake it up baby!

There are so many people to thank but there are few more important than our elders who gave us this gift of sound. I could run down a list of all the bands that have influenced me but it would take to long… I will say peace to my brothers in Bad Brains, thank god for Nina Simone, rest in peace john Coltrane… Where would I be without Howlin Wolf, Bukka White and Blind Willie Johnson? Tom Waits lend me a hand and Ali Farka Toure is the man… But even greater then this is my own lineage my mother and father who taught me to live.

Thank you to HARLEM Recordings for our distribution in BENDILUX. Thank you to our new partner NIOSOLUTION our new label in Germany. Thank you to REDBULL Studios Copenhagen for helping us to make this record strong. Thank you to Granny Studios for making us feel at home. Thank you to all the boys in BAZOOKAHOSEN for giving us a chance. Thank you to Jakob Bue for his masterful artwork. Thank you to Johan Rönnow for his wonderful photo’s. Thank you Jens Raadal for his keen and watchful eye. Thank you to all the guest musicians who helped to fill up this massive sound. Thank you to my production partner Roger Mangfaldig Kar Langvik for helping me shape this vision. Thank you to all the boys in the band who have spent countless hours on the road and in the studio away from their homes to breath life into the SOAPBOX community. But most importantly thank you to you the fan our friends who take the time to listen to our message and dance to ours songs may this be our gift to you and we pray it brings you as much joy as it has brought us.


Thank you,


Claudius Gamiel Angeryman Stone (The Bowery Barometer and Plume Wine Poet)





New Album…

New Tour, New Album…

Anti-tour A2-portrait.indd rs2014-06-06

Good News, Bad News…

For immediate releaseTo all the fans of REVEREND SHINE SNAKE OIL Co. we are happy to announce there has been overwhelming response to our new record “Anti-Solipsism pt.1 Creatures”. Because of this demand in varying territories we have had to delay our release date. For all our fans who are already on our mailing list and who sign up for the pre-release you will still receive the digital release on May 22nd. The new date for the physical release will be June 16th.

We sincerely apologize to those who we shall meet on the road for not having the album available for you, but we will have copies of our pre-release 7” “The Candidate” and we will also have special “Collectable Download Cards”. For those of you in Germany you should be able to find the record through our new distribution partner in Germany “NOISOLUTION” on June 30th. It will be in a few designated stores and available for mail-order.

Thank you,